Engage learners and track progress with personalized trivia assignments

Imagine a classroom where learning feels like a game. Knowledge retention skyrockets, and every student feels challenged and motivated

That's the magic of TriviaMaker Assignments!

How it works?​

Quiz Creation Made Easy

Create quick quizzes with a drag-and-drop interface, mix multiple choice, open-ended, image-based, audio, audio, multimedia, and countdown timers, making them engaging and engaging for user.

Quiz Creation Made Easy
Assign Quiz to Individual or Group

Assign Quizzes to Students or Groups

Targeting the student that is in need of extra practice or challenges an exceptionally intelligent student by dividing class into teams for trivia competition. Increase collaboration and critical thinking skills.

Students Complete Quizzes Online

TriviaMaker allows students to access quizzes on any device, anytime, online or offline, offering interactive game modes, leaderboards, and instant feedback to keep students engaged.

Student Complete Quiz Online
Result and Feedback

Review Results and Provide Feedback

The system allows users to easily review results, provide instant insights into student performance, and offer personalized feedback, celebrating successes and guiding improvement.

Ready to ditch the dull and embrace the fun?

Create your first assignment. See the magic of personalized trivia unfold in your classroom!

What Benefit Can I Get?



Create personalized quizzes for each student, focusing on vocabulary challenges, historical showdowns, and scientific mysteries to spark curiosity and prevent boredom.



TriviaMaker enhances student engagement by transforming review into a game show, allowing personalized learning, tailored assignments, and detailed feedback for effective teaching.



TriviaMaker provides detailed reports beyond grades, identifying student strengths and areas for growth, providing a learning GPS for mastery.

What are the Key Features?

Quiz Creation Made Easy

Create quick quizzes with a drag-and-drop interface, mix multiple choice, open-ended, image-based, audio, multimedia, and countdown timers, making them engaging and engaging for users.

Assignment Management

Quizzes can be assigned to individuals or groups, with customizable instruction and global scheduling. Students can track progress, identify tricky questions, and celebrate achievements with badges, leaderboards. This helps teachers stay organized and effective.

Gamification with learning

TriviaMaker is transforming education by integrating gamification into interactive quizzes and games, enhancing knowledge retention and creating a positive learning environment.

Seamless Integration, Maximum Impact

Connect with your LMS for smooth workflow, share quizzes with students, and track progress across platforms for a holistic view of their learning journey.

Frequently Ask Question (FAQs):

TriviaMaker is super user-friendly, even for tech beginners. Drag-and-drop tools and intuitive templates.


TriviaMaker supports multiple question formats. These include multiple choice, true/false, open-ended, and even image-based questions.

Absolutely! Share quizzes with students, colleagues, or embed them in your website or blog for wider reach.

TriviaMaker is designed to be versatile and adaptable, making it suitable for elementary, middle, and high school grade levels.

Yes, TriviaMaker provides real-time tracking and analytics, allowing you to monitor individual student progress and identify areas that may need additional attention.

TriviaMaker offers flexible subscription plans with varying limits on the number of quizzes you can create and assign. Check our pricing page for detailed information on plan features and limits.

Give it a try today​

Ready to take a jump for free trial and unleash the power of trivia in your teaching!